


自1892年以来, 澳门足彩app has embraced the evolution of documentation methods ranging from 2D pen/pencil and paper and 2D electronic drafting, 到三维参数化建模和建筑信息建模(荡妇).

国家建筑科学研究所(NIBS)将荡妇定义为“设备的物理和功能特征的数字表示. It serves as a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its lifecycle from inception onward.”

澳门足彩app通过内部培训投资于荡妇执行和实施的发展和增长, 荡妇工作流程/经验教训更新, 荡妇质量改进流程(荡妇 QIP), 每年在欧特克大学进行核心荡妇领导和协调团队培训, 以及专业软件认证的机会,使我们与行业保持联系. 的se approaches provide state-of-the-art information and guidance that has kept us on the leading edge of this key technology throughout the years.

作为我们荡妇基础设施的一部分, we have adopted the culture of assigning project staff as 荡妇 Captains for each project in lieu of a “荡妇 Manager” not associated with the project, 正如许多其他公司所采用的那样. 许多荡妇经理是软件专家,但不一定有AEC经验. 他们的方法更多地是基于理论而不是实践, 导致用户迅速停止遵循标准的原因是什么. Our 荡妇 Captains are 荡妇 specialists who are knowledgeable in both 体系结构/工程 and 荡妇 software (Autodesk Revit) while working on projects. 我们的荡妇队长由高级荡妇协调员培训和领导, 谁制定了荡妇指南和荡妇执行计划战略,目前已在我们的项目中实施. 的 Senior 荡妇 Coordinator is also part of the architecture staff involved in projects like the rest of the 荡妇 Captains.


  1. 荡妇执行计划作为AIA-G202文档的一部分,包含在所有RFP (Request-For-Proposal)响应中, 以及荡妇项目合作的建筑师/顾问合同, AIA-E302.
  2. 荡妇队长与项目的项目经理(PM)会面,制定荡妇策略, 荡妇项目指南(BPG), 并根据项目独特的工作范围进一步制定荡妇执行计划(BEP). 在创作初稿时, 然后在荡妇启动会议期间向所有顾问提供BEP, 在开始/共享我们的荡妇模型之前.
  3. 在分享我们的荡妇模型之前,荡妇队长和PM与顾问进行荡妇启动会议.
  4. 荡妇 Captain conducts an in-house 荡妇 kick-off meeting with the rest of the project team to discuss how the 荡妇 model will be handled based on the kick-off meeting with the consultants.
  5. 荡妇 Captain meets with staff at set intervals (weekly) to reinforce best practices and to provide and share ongoing project training and lessons learned.
  6. 在主要模型交付里程碑前的两到三周.e., 50% DD提交), 荡妇模型经历了一个荡妇 QIP会议,我们的两个荡妇队长, 谁不是项目团队的一部分, perform a model check-up to ensure the 荡妇 Model is performing optimally to minimize crashes and conflicts prior to the submission.


除荡妇模型维护和上述任务外, 荡妇队长还负责以下工作:

  1. 召开荡妇船长小组会议.
  2. 就当前最佳做法提供建议.
  3. 在内部和顾问荡妇启动会议上讨论的项目工作流程的实施.
  4. 所有与项目Revit问题相关的策略和培训(排除故障).
  5. 荡妇标准和设计/图形标准监控.
  6. 项目启动后可能加入的新团队成员的项目介绍.


的 荡妇 Lead Coordinator and the 荡妇 Captains meet recurrently to brainstorm ideas on how to improve and advance the 荡妇 strategies as well as to discuss lessons learned and possible ways to avoid problems. 这些会议中收集的数据由荡妇首席协调员收集, and all efficient and productive solutions and approaches are discussed during the monthly 医疗保健 Revit Users Group Meeting. 这是所有荡妇用户更新即将到来的更改和荡妇工作流实现的地方, 讨论和培训小组的共同话题, 并参与Q&一个会话.

Properly built 荡妇 Models allow 澳门足彩app to not only provide construction documentation for all of our clients’ project needs but also support the ability to analyze the project with solar studies, 介绍视频, 写实的效果图, 通过虚拟现实环境实现实时可视化, 3 d打印技术, 以及碰撞预防和检测. 包容 of all the consultants’ models allows us to detect Level-of-Detail (LOD)-appropriate items that could create schedule and budget conflicts.

澳门足彩app对架构中文档和视觉技术进步的开放态度, 工程, 建筑业为项目团队配备了必要的资源. 这种方法使澳门足彩app能够以高质量的服务和洞察力满足客户的项目需求.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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