
搬到新楼? 投资于变更管理


变更管理, 在系统中受控地实现所需的变更, 这个短语是不是被滥用了. 但为什么它被如此频繁地重复呢? Because those who use it see its value and recognize that it’s necessary for successful implementation of their initiatives. 为了让新的计划坚持下去并真正产生影响,变革管理是必须的. 因此, 在处理新建筑时, 可以说是一个系统最大的主动性, 变更管理应该是你讨论的首要内容.

Breaking up the definition of change management and focusing on the phrase “required change” makes it easier to see the link between change management and activation of new construction. 对于医疗工作者来说,大多数改变通常是必需的. 例如, 从纸质医疗记录到电子医疗记录的转变, 使用新品牌的医疗设备或用品, 或更新的临床护理最佳实践都是医疗保健人员所需要的更改. 无论个人喜好如何,工作人员都必须接受和实施这些变化. 想象一下,除了要弄清楚从哪里进入大楼,还要有所有这些变化, 在哪里停车?, 去哪里买医疗用品, 如何使用护士呼叫, 如何使用p型地铁站, 如何使用新的高科技床或徽章. 这是压倒性的, 而这只是员工在过渡到新大楼时面临的一小部分变化. 操作, 过渡, 启动计划为所有员工做好准备,以便在第一天提供安全高效的护理. But without change management and considering how the magnitude of these changes will affect their mental state, employees have the potential to be dissatisfied with their employer and possibly experience burnout at a much quicker pace.

的 excitement of moving into a new building might be enough for some staff to reconcile with the new changes and adopt them without hesitation, 但改变并不适合所有人. 有些员工一直在同一个单位工作, 停在同一个地方, 在同一家自助餐厅吃了几十年. 这些员工对有机会为病人提供更好的护理感到兴奋, 但他们可能不会对改变自己的日常生活感到兴奋.

Having a change management expert as part of the activation planning team is crucial to the success of employee retention during and after the move. 包括变更管理工具,如Kotter的8步变更模型, 文化的映射, 或者ADKAR分析不仅可以帮助你的员工尽早接受变化, 但这表明,公司愿意为所有员工的成功投资. 变更管理为他们提供了一条接受的途径, 接受, 并接受抛给他们的新变化. Once all changes are adopted chances are they might even have a few ideas to make the new processes and or systems being implemented even better.

新建筑的成功最终取决于其员工的成功. Investing in change management during the activation of your new space is investing in the success and satisfaction of your employees.

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